Lewes District Council

The Homes First Team is made up of:

  • Neighbourhood Housing
    This team looks after day-to-day tenancy and estate management and provides housing support to local residents.
  • Housing needs
    This team deals with homelessness
    management, choice-based lettings,
    and private housing support.
  • Property services
    This team manages repairs, programmed
    works, and health and safety compliance.
  • Customer Experience
    This team responds to complaints and
    enquiries, reviews policies and procedures and encourages and enables tenant involvement

Customer First are the main point of
contact for customers on the telephone,
online chat, or via ELLIS the Chatbot.
The team deals with all casework
across the Councils except housing
related work which is managed by
Homes First. The team are also
responsible for income recovery including Council rents, Housing Benefit and Council Tax

Environment First manage all the waste and
recycling services across the Councils. If issues arise with bin collections, street cleansing or anything else waste related (fly tipping, graffiti removal etc) this team can help

Neighbourhood First are a team of officers who work with our communities to improve their neighbourhoods. They act as the link between the Councils and the community, and work with volunteers, groups, and other Council staff to maintain the quality of the environment.
Neighbourhood First advisors can help and assist with a range of issues, which include:

  • Dog fouling
  • Fly-tipping
  • Littering and street cleaning
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Fallen trees